Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Shortcut to Mushrooms!

Well, technically a mushroom, and there were few shortcuts involved. Stuart's been wanting a Super Mario mushroom hat, so I crocheted one for him. I'm quite proud of the way it turned out, so I wanted to share it with you all in internet-land. Ta-da!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Mild Inspiration Is Better than None

Something I've noticed since finishing college (and even a bit during college)--I've felt a significant decrease in my creativity. Ask my friends who knew me in high school; I liked to sketch pictures and stuff, sure, but I loved to make up stories--primarily Lord of the Rings fan-fiction (go ahead and laugh, it was pretty silly)--to entertain them at lunchtime and beyond.

I'm going to be purposely vague here, partially because I don't want anyone to steal my idea, but also to avoid awkwardness if this doesn't lead anywhere. I've been kicking around this idea for a story that would probably fall under young adult fiction. A type of original fairy tale (original in that I am not putting a twist, spin, or implementing an "modern-day version" techniques to Grimm, Disney, or any other existing fairy or folk tale. I won't wax philosophical about the meaning of "originality" because I'm tired and really, no one wants to hear about that right now.). It's something I came up with about four years ago, and aside from some outline notes and an attempt to start the story, it's mostly just been stewing in the back of my head (and on my external hard drive and a scrap piece of paper in a notebook) ever since.

So, about that blog post title up there... The inspiration came after reading an entertaining article on The Mary Sue about a story in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion. I am ashamed to admit, as a self-professed Tolkien geek, that I own but have never read The Silmarillion. (I tried once in high school and got about 10 pages in before giving up. Now that I'm so much older and wiser (HA!) I'd like to give it another go... eventually). So, this humorous run-down intrigued me.

The inspiration came from a piece of artwork the author linked from a user on DeviantArt that piqued my interest. I followed the link and couldn't help but spend a ridiculous amount of time perusing a number of the artist's other pieces. Here's just a couple examples to give you an idea:

I am no man by breathing2004 on DeviantArt

fate of Beren and Luthien by breathing2004 on DeviantArt

For real, do yourself a favor and go look through this guy's gallery. At the very least, go look at the full-size image of that last piece. 

(Side note: I'm pretty sure I love stained-glass and stained-glass-looking art because of the opening sequence to Beauty and the Beast. Side-side note: THAT MUSIC. My heart. Ahem... what was I saying?)

Anyway, when I was looking at his art, in my head I was going, man, when was the last time I drew something? Which turned into, when was the last time I wrote something? Like, an actual story? All of this boils down to: I was feeling inspired today, and with an encouraging nudge from my husband to get back into drawing and actually intentionally practice at it, I sketched a picture for the story I have not written yet. Which sounds odd, when I see it typed on the screen like that, but here's my point...

There was a spark. I hope that I can push past my tendency to not follow through and finish things, and fan that little flame and actually commit to making something. Who knows, maybe a decade from now I'll have an illustrated fairy-tale book out on the market. Or I might not. Maybe I'll go in an entirely different direction. Maybe I'll do something that only a few people will ever see. But that's okay, because the important thing here is that I pursue something creative and actually complete something. Not for an ego trip, not to show off and say "LOOKIT ME! I made art! Tell me you like it!" But because I enjoy it, because I want to tap back into my creativity, because I want to create something that, hopefully, will bring something special to another person's life.

When I've had very little to no inspiration for years, mild inspiration goes a long way. If this does lead to more art-output (for lack of a better term), I will keep you posted.

Now if you'll excuse me, I feel the sudden urge to watch Beauty and the Beast... and also to make a sketch of the White Tree of Gondor...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

We Rang in the New Year by Saving a Dog

This post will be brief, as I need to get back to work, but I just wanted to say that I hope everyone had a great holiday season and a good start to the new year. Stuart and I are looking forward to a bunch of different things this year, and I will update you as those come to fruition.

We had an interesting start to our new year. As we pulled into our driveway around 12:30 a.m. on New Year's Day, we saw an animal trotting along the curb toward us. Turned out to be an old, tiny, dachshund with a weird skin condition on its back legs that made the skin all hairless and saggy. Long story short, we snatched her out of the street and kept her until Friday, when the Humane Society was open. She was a sweet little dog, once she wasn't scared of us anymore, and cheerfully wagged her tail when we took her out for walks. The people at the Animal Control desk said her owner had called Friday morning and was looking for her, so we were thankful to discover she had a home.

This is the second time we've found a lost dog near our home, and even though we've lived here for over two years, this oddly only started happening after we got our dog, Copper. It'll be interesting to see if any other lost pups find their way to us this year. We're just glad we were in the right place at the right time, because we live on a very busy street and who knows how long these little dogs would last out there on their own.

Well, that's all for now. I think I'm going to take my work down to Starbucks to enjoy this bizarre, spring-like weather we're suddenly having. January in San Diego, everybody.

Happy New Year!