Thursday, January 14, 2016

New Dog

Wow, the rest of 2015 kind of got away from me. We've been pretty busy the last few months. I'll keep this post brief, but I thought I'd use this opportunity to post about our new little dog. We adopted him from the San Diego Humane Society this past weekend while we were visiting family. We'd been talking about wanting another dog for a while. Copper is taking a while to warm up to him, but I'm hopeful they will become good friends.

Anyway, meet Wink!

His name at the shelter was "Shmoopy" and we were like, "Uh, no." Stuart came up with Wink, because he permanently has one ear up and one ear down. We like it, and Wink seems to be getting used to it.

One thing we need to figure out is how to deal with his separation anxiety, especially where I'm concerned (he seems to have latched onto me in particular; he follows me everywhere). I even went so far as to record him in his crate while I ran errands for an hour to see what he gets up to when we're out, and the poor guy makes these really sad little howls and paws at the crate door when no one's around. (Any other dog lovers out there with tips on easing separation anxiety, let me know!)

We've only had him a few days, and he's definitely going to take some work, but he's already stolen my heart. We're also making sure Copper gets plenty of attention; she is a jealous little doge sometimes.

This is the face of dejection. "Really, guys? Why have you done this to me?" She'll like him eventually. She's already tried to get him to play with her a few times, so that's a good sign.

More pictures to come, I'm sure. Looking forward to Wink getting more comfortable in his new home. That's all for now. Happy New Year!