Friday, April 20, 2018

Life Happens

That's the only thing that comes to mind when I think about how I have yet again neglected a blog I had intended to regularly keep. I suppose this post is more for myself than anything. But it is really amazing to think of how many major life events have occurred since I last blogged. Most notably, I had a baby almost a year ago and she is turning one very soon. I also work in a place that I've always wanted to work and is so well-suited for me that even a year into it, I still can't believe how fortunate I am. I've been writing very sporadically as well. Like actual stories--not blogs.

It is well past my bed time. Even though E mostly sleeps through the night these days, proofreads or anxious brain in overdrive have been making it hard to get to bed at a decent hour. So instead of sitting here going, "Where should I begin?" I am going to sleep.