Monday, May 12, 2014

Self-discipline and rest

I think the hardest thing about maintaining this blog is going to be getting past the initial writer's block. The desire is there. I want to write. I just keep getting stuck where I always have--staring at a blank page. Should I write a short story? Wax philosophical? Make a list? Write a book review? Sure, any of those things would be great. If I could just come up with something to write, of course.

I'm fairly certain some of this stagnancy comes from being around the house too much. I work from home for both my jobs: marketing coordinator for a publisher, and nanny to 1.5 and 3.5 year old boys 3-4 days a week. On days that I'm not babysitting, my time is usually spent running errands for my publishing job or cleaning up the house. Thing is, it's not a matter of "not having any time." It's a matter of "I must make time." See, I've never been a morning person. When the alarm goes off, my initial reaction is something along the lines of, "Noooooooooooo..." But on the days that I have managed to drag myself out of bed, I've felt like there is more time to get things done (wow, imagine that, right?). 

For instance, the last couple of mornings, I woke up on my own around 5:45am. Usually I just go back to sleep (or try to), but even then, in those instances I'm up by 7am. This time of year, the sunlight comes directly through the crack in our curtain over the french doors (which we never open because our bedroom is tiny), and hits the sliding mirror door of the closet just right to reflect it DIRECTLY INTO MY FACE. So really, it's for my own benefit that I should get up before that happens. An alarm is bad enough, but blinding sunlight in your eyes when you try to go back to sleep is equally frustrating.

Anyway, back to wanting to be a morning person... the world is so much quieter first thing in the morning. Everything seems calm and refreshed. I enjoy taking in those peaceful moments before I have to worry about everything else I need to do that day. These would also be prime times for me to actually pick up my bible (something I haven't done on my own for a long time). Before any distractions, before the rest of the city is up and about, just me and the Lord. I need that in my life again. 

I am an easily distracted person. Those dogs in Up? Yeah, that's me. "Oh, I think I'll spend some time--SQUIRREL!" Literally. I even get distracted by tiny animals. "Oh look, a gopher in our front lawn! I shall sit and feed him crab grass." I was distracted by a split end while I typed that sentence. Point is: I need some self-discipline.

That's all for now. Let's open a discussion. How do you find time to get away during daily life? What do you like to do to find some rest even amid your routine?

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