Sunday, June 1, 2014

New Month Already?

Really? It's June? (insert general remarks about how fast the year is going)

No, that last bit wasn't a reminder that I forgot to remove before posting. It's a quip to imply how silly it is for me to be surprised when this happens ALL THE TIME. Remember in school how the year used to take FOREVER? For. Ev. Er. And now, with each progressive year post high school (or even post college) it seems like time just slips through my fingers more and more quickly. Maybe it's because as we get older our list of responsibilities grows exponentially. It's easy for time to get away from you when you're distracted by a million and a half things.

I don't have too much to say tonight, even though there is so much I could talk about (all those million and a half responsibilities and concerns scratching at my door). All I can say is, May was a rough month. It had its highlights, for sure. But overall the last couple of months have been, well... stressful. Praying for a change and for God's wisdom in our lives.

See you next time.

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