Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Brief Update: Moving Toward Fall

I would say that summer has flown by, except for two things: 1) I don't have kids, so "summer vacation" isn't really a concept in my brain anymore, and 2) it's still effing hot outside. Despite that, I'm really looking forward to fall (even though I miss leaf-changing weather). Pumpkin-flavored everything shall soon be here, and I will have an excuse to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, bake pumpkin pies, and run around in the little pumpkin hat I crocheted last year (yes, I totally will do that--just you wait!).

Just as I'm looking forward to the new season, I'm also transitioning into a new season of life in a way. Last month I got a second part-time publishing job, doing more of what I do, also working from home. Something I tend to forget until after the fact: prayer works. We've been praying for me to find another job, and after a few applications and interviews went nowhere, this one (much like my first publishing job) literally just fell into my lap when I was least expecting it. And with the acquisition of some new furniture (like a chest of drawers and a desk), Stuart and I are making our house feel even more like a home (having a nice desk in the study has helped me be more productive too--no more working where I eat!).

Something I'd like to do as we head into fall: balance my life better. I want to figure out a good structure for my week, now that I have two publishing jobs, a marketing class, a social life, church, and housekeeping to balance, to name a few things. Sometimes I have a hard time resting on the weekends and on weeknights--partially because I'm not as diligent during the day, feel guilty, and then feel like I need to do everything before bed. I'm trying to get in the habit of getting all my work done during the day, on weekdays, so I can have afternoons, evenings, and weekends free to hang out with my husband and with friends, to read, practice archery, crochet and knit, cook, or play video games (Skyrim is my current addiction).

Well, I think I'll leave it at that for now. Hopefully my next post will include progress in those areas. Until then, happy September!

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