Saturday, October 25, 2014

Hawaii, a Dog, and a Pumpkin Hat

Hooray! Another self-explanatory title! Sorry for the gap in posts. To say things have been hectic is an understatement. I'm super tired, so this will be a relatively brief post.

Two major things from this month: Stuart and I went on vacation in Hawaii for about a week, and we've adopted a dog. I'll elaborate on these things later (read: when I've had enough sleep and caffeine). Hawaii was great, and we're excited to finally have a dog (we've gone back and forth on how we feel about getting one for over a year now). More pictures from both to follow! But for now,
here's a plane pic from when we flew into the sunset on our way to Hawaii:

(Thankfully, no monkeys were present on our wing.)

And a picture of our newly adopted dog, Copper:

(Insert obligatory: "Such doge. Much wow.")

In the meantime, I'm still sitting here, pining away for rain and cooler weather. At least it's been getting colder at night, but it's hard to be all, "Yay, fall! Let me wear that pumpkin beanie I crocheted last year!" when it's like 85 degrees during the day. I may just wear it in defiance and shake my fist at the weather. I mean, what's the point of making a pumpkin hat if you don't wear it before Halloween?

I mean, I can't run around with this thing on any other time of the year:

That would just be silly. Unless someone threw a squash-themed party?

Anyway, I am going to go to bed now.

Until next time...

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